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Best Regrads,

Martsyeko Deuteros


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Your PSS product needs many FPS??

I found the tricks for make your PSS product better Performance in your PC!!

In this case i use Boeing 777 from PSS.

1. Download and install DXTBMP 

2. Open your PSS Livery folder on *:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\PSS-B773ER

3. On that folder, you can choose one livery (Texture.***) In this case i choose (Cathay Pasific) and make the backup files first.

4. Open your DXTbmp.

5. klik open 

6. And you will see the window open, search the livery folder (I use and open the folder


7. and you wil see there are have 4 bmp files, i want start from PSS-B773Main_t.bmp and klik open.

8. Then klik Save as, Extended Bitmaps 

8. The new window will appear, And make sure the target file is DXT3

and klik save.

9. Follow the step 7 to 8 for another bmp files on Texture files. ALL bmp files must converted to DXTbmp files!!! 

10. Feel the FPS!!


Best Regarads


Use your mouse as yoke

If tou don't have joystick or yoke, and still use keyboard for controlling Aileron, Elevator, and Thrust, you can use Mouse As Yoke, 

This is very easy to use, and easy to install. 

1. Put the "MGauge.gau" file to the "\Gauges" directory at MSFS root.
2. Manually add the gauge to panels of your aircrafts. For instance,
  adding the gauge to Cessna-172:
  a) find the file "\Aircraft\c172\panel\panel.cfg"
  b) make a backup copy of this file
  c) open panel.cfg with notepad
  d) find the following part of the file and insert gauge:
 [Window Titles]
 Window00=Main Panel
 Window01=Radio Stack
 Window05=Mini Panel
 ;************* Insertion starts here ************
 // background_color enables transparency
 background_color=0, 0, 0
 gauge00=MGauge!Myoke, 0,0,100,100
 ;************* Insertion ends here ************

  e) now run the MSFS, create a flight with Cesna 172 and start it
  f) when the flight is loaded, press Shift+6 to open the gauge window.
  It appears in top-left corner of MSFS window, and is available
  in all views.

Notes: Window06 is the first free panel window for Cessna-172 panel.
  Other aircrafts may have another first free window, therefore
  you must change "Window06" to something else.
  Some panels show too small rectangle for this gauge. To double gauge
  size, try to set "size_mm=200,200", and replace "100,100" with the
  same values in the gauge00 line.
  Don't forget to reload aircraft in order to take effects of the
  changes in panel.cfg.

To turn on the gauge, right-click it in the central square. Mouse cursor
will be locked to the center of MSFS window. You can unlock mouse by
right-clicking once again.

This Gauges has created by Yury Kuchura. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tembakan pada Bandara Soekarno - Hatta, Jakarta

Image from

Sekitar jam 17 WIB, dilaporkan terjadi tembakan oleh aparat polisi unutk menghadang sekelompok orang yang datang menggunakan senjata tajam menuju loket Sriwijaya Air di Terminal kedatangan 1B, Sewaktu tembakan terjadi, semua orang langsung berhamburan keluar, dan Sejumlah kaca di sekitar loket Sriwijaya Air pun pecah.(Kami belum tau, apakah kaca pecah karena tembakan atau pecah karena benda tajam yang dilemparkan oleh seseorang)

More Info Check This

Kami akan mencoba mengupdate berita ini.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Batavia Airlines menyewa sebuah pesawat A330 -200 milik perusahaan Aer Linus, airlines asal Irlandia, pesawat ini beregistrasi PK-YVI dan telah ada di hangar Batavia Air dan akan memlai beroperasi sekitar akhir Sepetember atau awal Oktober 2009, dan langsung melayani rute domestik lalu akan melakukan Direct Flight menuju Jeddah dari Jakarta.

Menurut, sebagai tahap awal sebelum menerbangi Jeddah, Airbus A330 ini akan dipakai untuk penerbangan dalam negeri terlebih dahulu yaitu ke Medan dan Menado dengan konfigurasi full ekonomi 320 seat.

Kita harapkan perusahaan airlines di Indonesia akan terus berkembang dan menyamai maskapai - maskapai penerbangan kelas dunia lainya.

Batavia Airlines rent a A330-200 from Aer Linus, the aircraft registration is PK-YVI and now on Batavia Airlines Hangar. The aircraft will be operated on Sepetember or First October 2009. This aircarft will be flying from Jakarta to Jeddah.

Based on, before fly to Jeddah, the Airbus A330 will be used for domestic arrival in Medan and Manado, with full ekonomi 320 seat.

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Saturday Night Fever

Setiap hari Sabtu divisi Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan Indonesia Online Day - Saturday Night Fever

Mulai 13.00UTC-18.00UTC (20.00 - 01.00 WIB) Airport di kota Jakarta dan Medan akan dipenuhi para ATC berpengalaman dari divisi Indonesia

Para member bebas untuk memilih terbang secara outbound atau inbound dari masing-masing airport di atas (Soekarno Hatta Jakarta dan Polonia Medan)


Every Saturday IVAO Indonesia Division make an event Indonesia Online Day - Saturday Nite Fever

Starting 13.00 UTC - 18.00 UTC airport on Jkarta (WIII) and Medan will be fully controlling with Air Traffic Controller expert.

You can choose any flight from/to Soekarno Hatta Jakarta or Polonia Medan.

Monday, July 27, 2009

PT Garuda Ind PT Garuda Indonesia telah mendapat kepercayaan dari sejumlah kreditur asing untuk melakukan penambahan armada.

BUMN penerbangan yang baru meresmikan logo barunya itu masih menyisakan utang sebesar US$450 juta kepada European Credit Agency (ECA) dan US$100 juta kepada Bank Mandiri. Namun, menurut Vice President Corporate Communication Garuda Pujobroto, proses restrukturisasi terhadap utang-utang tersebut akan dituntaskan dalam waktu dekat.

"Secara prinsip, sudah kasih persetujuan. Akhir September mudah-mudahan bisa dibereskan," ungkapnya seusai media gathering di Puncak, Bogor, Jawa Barat, akhir pekan lalu.

Penyelesaian proses restrukturisasi itu diyakini akan memuluskan jalan bagi Garuda untuk membiayai ekspansinya ke depan. Khususnya, untuk menambah armada flag carrier RI itu dengan 60 pesawat jenis Boeing 737-800NG, Boeing 777-300ER, dan Airbus A330.
Penambahan armada itu ditargetkan tuntas pada 2014.

Garuda saat ini baru saja menambah delapan unit pesawat baru jenis Boeing 737800 yang didanai oleh Dubai Aerospace Enterprises (DAE).
Setiap pesawat dihargai US$45 juta.

Dengan demikian, Garuda mendapat talangan biaya dari DAE sebesar kurang lebih US$360 juta, dalam jangka waktu 10 tahun.

"Itu bukti kalau Garuda masih dipercaya meskipun sedang restrukturisasi. Apalagi, sekarang lagi krisis, hal yang bagus kan kalau kita bisa dapat kepercayaan," kata Pujobroto.

Tahun depan, imbuhnya, maskapai pelat merah ini akan menambah 10 pesawat jenis Boeing 777-300ER yang dipastikan akan membutuhkan suntikan dana baru. "Dengan penyelesaian restrukturisasi, kita bisa saja mendapat pinjaman dari leasor-leasor lain.
Terutama kalau situasi makro Indonesia membaik, pasti bisa dapat pinjaman lainnya,"

Apalagi, kondisi keuangan perusahaan semakin membaik sehingga Garuda optimistis bisa menangguk laba Rp3,7 triliun pada 2014. "Kalau DAE kasih pinjaman, pasti karena melihat ada potensinya.
Bisalah kita dapat dari leasor lain juga," imbuhnya. Pascaperistiwa ledakan bom JW Marriott-Ritz Carlton, Direktur Utama Garuda Emirsyah Satar mengatakan kekhawatiran akan turunnya load factor (tingkat isian penumpang) ternyata tidak terbukti.

"Dari hasil saling bertanya antarmaskapai, terbukti dampaknya tidak signifikan.
Tidak tahu kalau industri lain, tapi kalau bicara soal penerbangan nasional, kita masih bagus," ungkap Emir.

Memang, Emirsyah mengakui, setelah kejadian yang menewaskan beberapa warga negara Australia itu, terjadi beberapa kali pembatalan penerbangan. "Hanya di bawah 5% kok (pembatalan penerbangan), tidak signifikan.
Satu, dua orang wajar kalau ada pembatalan," katanya.

Lebih lanjut, pihaknya berencana menggiatkan kelas ekonomi di kalangan wisatawan Australia ke depan.
Load factor wisatawan dari Australia tercatat sebesar 82,2% dengan porsi yang relatif sama baik sebelum maupun sesudah peledakan bom.
Setiap harinya, terdapat 1.800 orang asal Australia yang berkunjung ke Bali.

Secara statistik, Australia merupakan kontributor wisatawan terbesar ke Bali diikuti wisatawan asal Jepang, China, dan Eropa.

Sumber : Media Indonesia
Gambar :

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Boeing Cites Progress on Dreamliner, but No Test Flight Yet

The chief executive of the Boeing Company said Wednesday that the aircraft maker was making “solid progress” toward fixing a structural weakness that was discovered last month on its new jet, the 787 Dreamliner.

But the executive, W. James McNerney Jr., said it was too early to say when the plane would make its first test flight or how much Boeing would have to pay customers in penalties for the delays. Boeing shares closed down 2.37 percent.

Stock analysts have said that the delays could cost Boeing billions of dollars in concessions to airlines waiting for the plane. And The Seattle Times quoted two unidentified engineers on Wednesday as saying that the first test flight would probably not happen for four to six months.

But in a conference call with analysts and reports Wednesday, Mr. McNerney said only that the company would not be able to set a new flight date or disclose the financial impacts until later in this quarter.

The Dreamliner, which will be the world’s most advanced passenger plane, is considered crucial to Boeing’s future. The company has 850 orders for the plane, which is made of lightweight composite materials and is supposed to be lighter and more fuel-efficient than other commercial aircraft.

Given that the 787 is two years behind schedule, stock analysts have also questioned how profitable the plane will be. 

James A. Bell, Boeing’s chief financial officer, said on the conference call that the delays were “obviously putting pressure” on the projected profit on the program. 

But he said that with the huge backlog of orders, Boeing could offset some of the penalty payments to airlines and other costs through savings and efficiencies in production.

Mr. McNerney said engineers had settled on a way to fix the structural problem, which involved unexpected stress where the wings attach to the fuselage.

“There is nothing we have learned to lead us to believe this is anything more than a local issue that can be solved with a local fix,” he said.

The structural problem was discovered last month during a test that involved bending the wings. Boeing has said that the stresses occurred at several spots where support rods in the wings met the fuselage. It said it needed to reinforce those areas. 

Mr. McNerney said Wednesday that the company had “a high degree of confidence” that it knew how to fix the problem. He said engineers were now figuring out how to do the work.

But he also acknowledged that trying to build a plane with mostly composite materials had been harder than expected. “As you look back at this program, there is no doubt that the baseline was too ambitious,” he said.

The call came after Boeing said that its second-quarter earnings had risen 17 percent from a year earlier, to $998 million, or $1.41 a share. That compared with $852 million, or $1.16 a share, during the same period last year, when the company took a charge of 22 cents a share for delays in delivering military planes. 

In the latest quarter, sales in the company’s large military business rose 9 percent, helping to offset the impact of the recession on the company’s commercial-plane business. Overall revenue increased by 1 percent to $17.15 billion from $16.96 billion a year earlier.

From New York Times